The first two series of photographs were taken in February 1999 while I was staying in Sabadell, a town close to Barcelona, Spain. The film I used was Ilford XP2 400, the camera, my EOS 500 N "light travel kit" with a Sigma 28-200 zoom, which has given me quite satisfactory results. No flash has been used. The third series whas shot in May 99. The film was Kodak T Cn-400, the camera the T-90 with FD 35-70 3.5 & 70-210 4.0 lenses. The fourth series was taken on September 4th, during the Fiesta Mayor, when the castellers from Sabadell, Terrassa, Martorell and Rub� were invited to perform in front of the Ajuntament. The camera was the T-90, the lens the 35-70 and the film a Fuji NPH 400. The fifth series was taken in November 1999 with an Eos 50E with a Sigma 28-200 Zoom attached on it. The film was an Agfa Optima II 200 Asa. The last series was shot in July 2000.
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Comments�All those pictures were taken the same day, quite quickly in the same part of the city. Sabadell, in my opinion is a city of contrasts: from the modern buildings of the Eix Macià to the streets where the photos were taken it doesn't even take ten minutes� Just walk down the Ronda de Ponent� Of course, I preferred hunting for pictures in the old industrial centre of the town rather than being impressed by the threatening and frightening office buildings. Sabadell has been a main focus of spanish textile manufacturing since the XIIIth century.

Traducción para mis amigos hispanohablantes... Todas estas fotos se sacaron el mismo día, en pocas horas y en el mismo barrio de la ciudad. Pienso que Sabadell es una ciudad de contrastes: para ir de los edificios modernos del Eix Macià a las calles donde hice estas fotos, ni siquiera hace falta andar diez minutos� Basta con bajar por Ronda de Ponent� Desde luego, he preferido sacar fotos en la vieja parte industrial de la ciudad. En el fondo, no me gustan mucho los edificios modernos, con sus fachadas deslumbrantes y sus aires amenazadores. Sabadell ha sido uno de los principales centros de la producción textil española desde el siglo XIII.







The first two pictures show part of the Eix Maci�, the third is the tower of the "Caixa de Sabadell" building.  


© Christian Rollinger, 1999-2000.