The Canonflex

    The Canonflex was the first single-lens reflex camera introduced by Canon; its basic operational functions are the same as those of any other SLR that does not have a built-in exposure meter (except the Canon Pellix). However, an external meter can be coupled directly to the camera. Setting the shutter-speed dial of the meter automatically sets that particular speed on the camera. The needle of the meter indicates the correct f/stop which can then be transferred manually to the f/stop ring of the lens. Since the lens mounts of all the Canon SLR cameras are identical, the Canonflex lenses can be be used with any other Canon SLR camera. However, because the diaphragm-actuating mechanism differs in some models, the lenses may not work automatically and the aperture of the lens may have to be preset manually before the exposure is made.

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 � Christian Rollinger 2002