The first series of photographs was taken during July and August 99 in Galicia, in northwest Spain. The second series was taken during August 2000.
To learn more about this wonderful land, please refer to the following links.
1. Workers setting up the scene for J.M. Serrat's concert
in A Coruña during the Fiesta María Pita - T90; 35-70mm f3.5;
Agfa Optima II 100
2. Boat in the port of Coruña - Ae-1 Program, 35-70mm
f3.5; Kodak Gold 400
3. The "Hercules Tower" in A Coruña - Eos
500N, 28-80mm f3.5, Agfa HDC 100
4. Caaveiro Monastery- T90, 28mm f2.8, Agfa Optima
II 200
5. Kids in Pontedeume - T90, 300mm f4.0, Agfa Optima
II 200
6. Houses with galleries in Betanzos - T90, 35-70mm f3.5,
Kodak Gold 400
7. Ferrol - Ae-1 Program, 35-70mm f3.5, Agfa Optima II
8. Part of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, T-90,
35-70mm f3.5, Kodak Gold 400
A few more pictures from A Coru�a...